Intro to Gun Ownership Seminar
Seminar Info:
Dates: Click the Registration button to view available dates or go the calendar to see all class and seminar dates.
Seminar Fee: FREE
and is held at Manchester Firing Line
Due to recent events, we feel this informational Seminar is imperative to provide public safety. Given all the new gun-owners and the need for them to be properly informed, we feel offering this Seminar is the right thing to do.
IMPORTANT - DO NOT ask for one of the spots if you are not going to be there, or cancel at the last minute. Our resources are limited to offer this service to the public, please respect that.
Contact Information:
For more information, e-mail the instructor, Thomas Brown, at, or click register to enroll in a class.

Seminar Description:
This free seminar presents basic knowledge and information for the new gun owner. It will cover basic firearm safety, securing your firearm when not in use, the lawful transportation thru New Hampshire and adjoining states. It will also cover proper range etiquette for shooting at Manchester Firing Line and local gun clubs.
Also covered will be practical ways to practice with you firearm, as well as other classes Manchester Firing Line offers, and other training options in the area. We will also cover, in the most rudimentary terms, the lawful use of a firearm.
This seminar does not include any range time, but you may bring your firearm if you have questions about it's features or operation. It will also cover standard maintenance of firearms. If you bring your firearm, please bring your firearm unloaded and in a case, box or bag. This seminar is NOT required for students seeking to take our other classes. Seminar material is covered in our Basic Pistol Class and Personal Protection in the Home class.
Seminar Instructor:
Thomas Brown is a Senior Tactical Firearms Instructor with the New Hampshire Tactical Arts Group, a Lethal Force Instructor for New Hampshire, a Massachusetts State Firearms Instructor, an National Rifle Association Law Enforcement Instructor, a LEOSA Instructor, USCCA Instructor, a Force-on-force Law Enforcement Instructor, Pa, trol Rifle Instructor, a defensive knife Instructor and a Chief Range Safety Officer. His training includes courses from Lethal Force Institute, Defense Training International, Calibre Press, Combative Concepts, Personal Security Institute, Sig Academy (LE Instructor) and Simulations.
Thomas Brown has also appeared in court as an expert witness in the areas of firearms, safety and training, and is a Graduate of the Law of Self Defense Instructor Program. He is a member of the International Law Enforcement Educators and Trainers Association (ILEETA), the International Association of Law Enforcement Firearms Instructors (IALEFI) and the Massachusetts Law Enforcement Firearms Instructors & Armorers Association (MLEFIAA). He can be reached at