NH Firearms Certification / LEOSA Class
Course Times/Dates:
Classes by appointment
Course Fee:
$125 per person plus range fee.
Course Certificate:
Students, upon passing the qualifier, will receive a completed Firearms Proficiency Certification Form.
Contact Information:
E-mail the instructor, Thomas Brown, at tbrown@gunsnh.com for more information or click register to enroll for a class.

Course Description:
As per NH RSA 106-F:8c, all State Armed Guards / Private Investigators are required to attend 4 hours of instruction to include firearms techniques and safety, laws on the use of deadly force, and the moral and ethical use of force. They must also pass the State Firearms Proficiency live fire test.
This class Meets the requirements set forth by NH RSA 106-F:8c. We'll cover NH RSA TITLE LXII - CRIMINAL CODE CHAPTER 627 dealing with justification of deadly force. We will cover proper and safe firearm handling as well as tactics for the armed professional. This course includes range time instruction with students' own firearm, bring your eye and hearing protection. The shooting portion of this class is held at outdoor range in Candia NH. Students in this class will need their handgun, holster, 2 magazines or 2 speed loaders and at least 80 rounds. If you fail the first shooting qualification, you'll need an additional 80 rounds for each attempt. Students will have to score the 70% hit requirement (twice), but you must be able to safely load, draw, fire, re-holster your handgun. THIS CLASS IS NOT AN INTRO TO HANDGUNS CLASS. Students should already be familiar and safe with handling and firing a handgun. If you seek basic handgun instruction, contact the Instructor. This qualification uses the FBI Q target at ranges from 3 to 25 yards. Students must demonstrate safe and proper gun handling, this means you will only make contact with the trigger when you are on target AND firing, and you must keep the muzzle pointed in a safe direction at ALL times. Please notify us in advance if you require the NH shotgun or rifle certification as well.Appointments are made on demand. We can accommodate individuals and groups. Please reference NH Certification in the comment section of the registration form.

We also provide the class that complies with HR 218, Law Enforcement Officer Safety Act. We can perform the annual firearms qualifications for NH and MA residents, who are retired LEOs who are eligible under LEOSA - or - Federal Agents, regardless of their state residence - or- LEOs who retired from a MA agency regardless where they live..
A New Hampshire or Massachusetts LEOSA qualification card will be issued upon completion of this class.LEOSA students need to have retired credentials from their agency.
We can also help if your residing in another state and your retiring agency will accept a Law Enforcement Firearms Instructor conducting LEOSA Course-of-Fire or another accepted COF and your retiring agency will issue your LEOSA Qualification card.
Please reference LEOSA Certification in the comment section of the registration form. Include your retiring agency name and state in which you reside.
Course Instructor:
Chief Scott Young (ret.) is a New Hampshire LEOSA Instructor, who brings with him 35 years of law enforcement experience, including firearms instructor with a variety of firearms.
Thomas Brown is Massachusetts LEOSA Instructor and is our Master Firearms Instructor, he also appears in court as an Expert Witness in the areas of firearms, safety and training.